AUSTELA Releases 'Solar At Night' Energy Market Policy Brief
AUSTELA recently launched a new policy paper, the Electricity Market Policy Brief. This document outlines four options to incentivise the building of long-duration storage in the NEM: storage target, tax credits, capacity mechanism and offtake contracts.
In this regard, Dr Keith Lovegrove, one of AUSTELA's Directors, said: “We know what the problem is - AEMO has indicated that 45 GW of dispatchable storage power generation capacity will be needed by 2050 to deliver around 620,000 MWh per year of electricity, but unless we start focusing on the amount of stored energy (MWh) rather than just the power level of delivery (MW) we risk missing out on the best solution.
“The successful uptake of wind and solar PV generation in the National Energy Market is driving emissions out of our electricity sector. We are at a pivotal moment and if we don’t get the policies right now, we risk unintended consequences such as keeping gas in the grid for decades and making 2050 decarbonisation goals impossible. We need a ‘Solar at Night’ capacity – long-duration, dispatchable storage with no emissions - and the solar thermal industry is ready and waiting to meet Australia’s energy requirements.”
You can read the full policy document here.
To visit the 'Solar at Night' website, click here.